Stephanie MeredithStephanie Meredith is the author and co-author of multiple resources for new and expectant parents receiving a diagnosis of Down syndrome and other genetic conditions. These include “Understanding a Down Syndrome Diagnosis,” “Understanding Prenatal Screening and Testing for Chromosome Conditions,” “Welcoming a Newborn with Down Syndrome,” and “Diagnosis to Delivery: A Pregnant Mother’s Guide to Down Syndrome,” which are recommended by the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG), the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), national disability organizations, and the National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC). Further, she worked alongside collaborators at NSGC to create their prenatal screening fact sheet for patients and their Down syndrome fact sheet for states passing Down Syndrome Information Acts.

As the Medical Outreach Director of the University of Kentucky’s Human Development Institute, Ms. Meredith regularly makes presentations and speaks about patient education and support at national medical and disability conferences, including NSGC, ACMG, and the Association of University Centers on Disability (AUCD). Moreover, she has also published on these issues including a recent publication with Dr. Robert Saul in Pediatrics in Review and Exceptional Parent Magazine on Prenatal Testing: Understanding What’s New and How to Get Support and Information.

Ms. Meredith also provides online support and resources to pregnant women expecting a baby with Down syndrome at, and she offers medical outreach training to about 85 local Down syndrome organizations nationwide and consults internationally on best practice strategies for developing and sharing information about genetic conditions for patients.